diaper bag

  • A Flight Attendant's Perspective - Traveling with Toddlers

    A Flight Attendant’s Perspective – Traveling with Toddlers

    Parenting on a plane can seem like a daunting task. However, if you pack and plan accordingly it should be a smooth flight. As a flight attendant for a major US airline, when parents don’t plan ahead, we’re all in for a turbulent flight. With 3.5 years of flight attendant experience, even as someone with…

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  • Image Header: Tips for Flying with a Newborn

    Tips for Flying with a Newborn

    As a new mom, the thought of flying with your newborn for the first time can be terrifying. From packing all the necessary diaper bag ‘must-haves’, to remembering the bottles and formula, it can seem like an insurmountable task. Our first travel adventure with our 2-month-old newborn was in the middle of COVID. We flew…

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